domingo, 4 de enero de 2009

100 days to get Fit

Day 1. January 3, 2009. Introduction. Running with Luciana in her stroller.

I am 48 years male and I am sort of fit, I am running on and off. I am certainly not fat. Most would consider me lean, but nevertheless I have several 100s beer deposited around my waist – the famous beer belly. My wife calls me “pita con nudo”, which means “a string with a knot”. Pretty accurate description!

In my youth I was always skinny and never athletic. I weigh only 7 kilos more now compared to when I was 20. So why complain, right.

However, three recent things convinced me that now is the time to get really healthy, train for a marathon and get in good shape. Good shape includes a more muscular torso, something I never had!

  1. We are not getting any younger are we?
    The main reason I guess for most people that take up running and physical activity is the horrifying process of aging. I have hard time to believe that old man I see in the mirror is myself
  2. I became a father again almost two years ago. When Luciana is 20, I’d be 66 and when she’s thirty, I most likely have a foot in the grave, and possibly more than that. I really want to be young both spiritually and in body for her sake. So start a sound living to grow really old sounds like a good course to take. 100 days is surely not enough, but enough to get me on the right track….to keep on going.
  3. A true inspiration was a Twitter, @anntorrence that was sending short updates in her program of 100 days. Good idea and it gives some commitment when you are not doing your program only on “your own”. Twitter for those that don’t know is micro-blogging. Twitter asks one question, "What are you doing?" Answers must be under 140 characters in length and can be sent via mobile texting, instant message, or the web. A committment is stronger if it is public. Sign up to Twitter and start following me (@kolibrix) and @anntorrence if you like to get some inspiration.
  4. Heard from a friend on facebook that I have not seen in 22 years. He is a guy that likes the beaches. I never did! But that is probably why he looks to have more muscles now than he did 22 years ago - and yes we are the same age. I am quite envious!
That did it. Time for change. It is a new year. Let's copy the 100 day approach to start with.

So a slow start to get fit was started yesterday. Getting fit is much about time management.
You have to put in excersise whenever you can.

Yesterday I had to buy a point and shoot camera for my upcoming trip to Carpish tomorrow. The store is 2 km away. My wife was working and I was with Luciana. I cannot get much work done, while being with her, so rather than trying to be productive with the laptop.....
"Luciana, let's go for a ride!"
So shorts on, baby under one arm and the stroller in the other we made a run for 2 km to the store and back. And I bought a Camera Nikon Coolpix p50.

Luciana has two strollers, but only one is robust enough to u
se for this purpose. Later, I will post a picture of Luciana in the stroller. However, if you want your baby is still small and you with him/her to be very safe you should get something like this. There are some models listed on the Amazon widget on the right.

Later, my wife came back from work. Asked me to get some food for lunch. There is a good bistro/take away service called San Antonio in Lima. They have verious outlets. Our closest one is 2.5 km away. My wife wanted these delicious artichichoke pies
So off again! and another 5km added to my day.

It only took me 11 minutes to get the Camera store.
And it took me 14 minutes to get the artichoke pies.

Lesson of the day: Your getting in fit strategy should include any opportunity you get to do it on foot rather than taking the car. Or get a bike. Then you can reach outlets even further away.

Gunnar Engblom

2 comentarios:

  1. 47 and on the same wavelength. Working now to see if, despite a cranky knee, I can get in a half marathon before travels resume.

  2. Knees, knees, knees....yes, this is one of the thing that gets in my way. Both my knees cracks when I bend, and it is from too much running in the past and too little stretchin. I am very stiff and never liked the stretching part in the runner routine. The knees where the reasons I stopped running some 20 years ago and getting bored with the re-habilitation program. It took 17 years before I took up running again. I have been doing it on and off since 2000 when I turned 40 but only completed one marathon since and with up to a 9 months of inactivity between new sessions.
    As you imagine, I am a very over confident runner with a mind remembering a body much faster and stronger than it actually is. I know this can be a very likely cause to overtraining and injury. So I have to get it right this time.
    In my program I need to do a lot of knee excersise. Strengthening the hams and cuadriceps, and strething the iliotibial band.
    I got quite weak ankles as well. Some time ago I had a balance plate with a round ball underneath it made. This is good to get better stability.
